Not a Prototype! Episode 4: Kid Robot x Futurama Flocked Nibbler and Metallic Hypnotoad

by DrunkWooky
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It’s DrunkWooky here, welcoming you back to OTC’s recurring column: Not a Prototype!Today, I’m tossing up some quick pics of the newly released Kid Robot x Futurama Furry Little Nibbler 7″ Flocked Vinyl Figure and All Hail Hypnotoad 6″ Metallic Vinyl Figure.

We have all preordered figures and other collectibles from high-end (or, hey, even low-end) manufacturers. We wait and wait for months on end for this little beauty of tiny scale and expensive licensing to arrive. Then, finally, the day comes! The box is on your doorstep. You’ve been ogling the manufacturer glamour shots of the prototype for months on end. You crack the box and…

Does it look like the prototype pictured in the glamour shots? This post isn’t so much a review as quick first impressions.

Entertainment Earth

In this column, we look at what the figures really look like in the consumer’s hands. We toss up some pictures of product actually in-hand, in normal household lighting, and let the viewer decide. Sometimes we point out some things we notice that irk, maybe some things that are awesome. 

Before there was Funko, there was Kid Robot. Kid Robot are, at least in my mind, the grandfather of collectible vinyl art figures in the United States. There are others, but none compare to the success, brand awareness, and quality of Kid Robot. They take a street art sensibility, some fun, and sometimes toss it in a blender with your favorite media property. Kid Robot usually demand a premium over comparable Funko or other vinyl figures, but the quality control alone is usually worth it.

First, Kid Robot’s glamour shots:


Now what do these figures look like in hand?

First up, Nibbler:

Unsurprisingly to me, this figure looks dead on with the promo shots. The flocking is more of a tactile effect than a visual one. As you can see it doesn’t show up terribly well in photos. Remember your old 12″ GI Joe figures’ hair? That’s the feeling you’ll get here. He comes with a stylized crate box, safely held inside with form-fitted plastic. Again, this isn’t a surprise. Kid Robot usually takes pains to design the details on their packaging up to the same standards as the products inside. The box can double as a visually appealing, workable diorama backdrop for your shelf.

At the time of writing Nibbler was available from these retailers:

Again, Hypnotoad looks spot on with the promo shots. My only issue is that Hypnotoad’s vinyl smirk is upturned in a sort of grin. My recollection is a Hypnotoad with a frowning, commanding demeanor like the foil box displays. At any rate, I can get past that and appreciate a coy, calculating, mind manipuator.

One cool feature that Kid Robot gave Hypnotoad was his lenticular eyes. Check out our Instagram to see how that feature works.

At the time of writing Hypnotoad was available from these retailers:

Until next time, DrunkWooky out!

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