Check out a preview of next week’s Darth Vader #13 from Marvel, part of the War of the Bounty Hunters cross-over! Also, check out some ramblings about Sly Moore (the …
Star Wars Comics
Check out how all the Nihil and Jedi threads come to a climactic head in the preview High Republic Adventures #5 preview!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
First Appearance Alert: Deathstick Cameo in Bounty Hunters #13 Out Tomorrow
by DrunkWookyBounty Hunters #13 is out tomorrow and we have a sneak peek at one of the reveals inside the pages!
Here’s a look at the new Star Wars comic book releases hitting shelves at your local comic shop June 9, 2021!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
War of the Bounty Hunters #1 First Appearances and Key Events
by DrunkWookyWar of the Bounty Hunters #1 came out yesterday and it’s full of great canon nods, appearances, and reveals! Check out the list below, but reader beware, spoilers abound from …
- Star Wars Comics and Books
First Cover Appearance of Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh: High Republic #6 Unknown Comics Exclusive
by DrunkWookyUnknown Comics have announced a High Republic exclusive featuring the first cover appearance of Jedi Knight Vernestra Rwoh!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
Winner Announcement: High Republic #1 Panini Italy Grabrielle Dell’Otto Variant
by DrunkWookyThe winner of the High Republic #1 Panini Gabrielle Dell’Otto Variant announced!
Bounty Hunters #13 continues the War of the Bounty Hunters Crossover on June 9, 2021 and can be pre-ordered over at TFAW!
Here’s a look at the new Star Wars comic book releases hitting shelves at your local comic shop June 2, 2021!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
New Noir Mystery from Daniel Jose Older Comes to Star Wars the High Republic in Trail Of Shadows
by DrunkWookyDaniel Jose Older is taking his Jedi lore talents over to Marvel for a new crime noire mystery mini series, Star Wars the High Republic: Trail of Shadows!