The Bogaranth arrives in Star Wars Adventures #3 on shelves next week, 4/7/2021!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
- Star Wars Comics and Books
DrunkWooky Comic Review: Star Wars High Republic Adventures #2 (Older, Talibao)(IDW, 2021)
by DrunkWookyWelcome back, EveryWookiee, to another DrunkWooky Star Wars Comic Review! Today, I’m taking a look at the brand spanking new Star Wars High Republic Adventures #2 from IDW, fresh onto …
- Star Wars Comics and Books
Preview: Star Wars The High Republic Adventures #2, the First Appearance of Marchion Ro, Eye of the Nihil (IDW 3/3/2021)
by DrunkWookyMarchion Ro, the Eye of the Nihil, will make his first full comics appearance in IDW’s Star Wars The High Republic Adventures #2, out this Wednesday March 3, 2021. Take …
Here’s a look at the new Star Wars comic book releases hitting shelves at your local comic shop March 3, 2021!
Take a look at the new Star Wars Comics coming out February 24, 2021!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
DrunkWooky Comic Review: Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 (IDW 2021)
by DrunkWookyDrunkWooky reviews Star Wars High Republic Adventures #1 by Daniel Jose Older and Harvey Tolibao from IDW, out 2/3/2021!
Here’s a look at the new Star Wars comic book releases hitting shelves at your local comic shop February 10, 2021!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
Star Wars High Republic Adventures #1 (IDW) First Comic Appearances List- First Comic Appearance of Marchion Ro, Eye of the Nihil
by DrunkWookyDrunkWooky analyzes all the first appearances coming out of IDW’s Star Wars High Republic Adventures #1 out 2/3/2021.
- Star Wars Comics and Books
Star Wars High Republic Comics: First Appearances and Key Issues
by DrunkWookyDrunkWooky analyzes and lists all the first appearances in Star Wars the High Republic comics from Marvel and IDW.
Here’s a look at the new Star Wars comic book releases hitting shelves at your local comic shop February 23, 2021!