For light and life! Earlier today we got our first official marketing for the the upcoming Star Wars Disney+ show, The Acolyte, by creator Leslye Headland. At 11:00 A.M. ET all of the official Star Wars social accounts dropped the first public trailer (unless you were at Star Wars Celebration last year) and announced that there will be a double episode premiere on June 4th, 2024 at 9:00 P.M. ET.
Here’s the trailer if you missed it.
Star Wars: The Acolyte is a show set in the High Republic Era. An era that was kicked off in 2020 as a publishing initiative titled, Project Luminous. This new era of Star Wars reportedly spans between roughly 500 BBY-100 BBY (before the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope) and showcases the Jedi at their height in a time of relative peace.
Though, that’s only partially true. As we’ve seen in the High Republic comic books and novels, the era was far from peaceful. It’s honestly a bit of a stretch to say that there were no widespread wars. But, compared to The Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War, it was a more peaceful time.
While the era spans ~400 years, Star Wars: The Acolyte takes place at the very end of the era. It seems the Sith, who have stayed pretty much hidden for 800-1000 years, have become emboldened and are starting to make their presence felt.
My guess is that this presence, even if the Jedi are not fully aware of it, is what ends The High Republic and ushers in the “Rise of the Sith Era “Fall of the Jedi” era.
So when does The Acolyte take place in that 400-year High Republic window? And how does it line up with the comics and books on the timeline?
I spent some time putting that information together based on interviews, official material and releases, and the Star Wars Timelines book that came out last year.
I’m nearly certain this is the timeline that we are working with.
The High Republic publishing initiative, Project Luminous, is split up into three phases. Each phase included dozens of books and comics. Think of it like the three main Skywalker trilogies. Phase I introduces the Era. Phase III is a prequel to provide backstory. And Phase III is a follow-up to the initial conflict between the Republic, the Jedi, the Nihil, and the Nameless.
So while Phase II was the 2nd phase, chronologically speaking it’s the earliest content from the era.
382 BBY – The Beginning of Phase II of the High Republic
This era kicks off in 382 BBY was the Co-Chancellors, Chancellor Greylark and Chancellor Mollo, setting out to expand the Republic and tame the outer rim. We are introduced to the Path of the Open Hand and get the backstory on how the Nameless were first discovered.
READ NEXT: See every comic, book, and variant from Phase II of the High Republic here.
232 BBY – The Beginning of Phase I of the High Republic
150 years later we get to the start of Phase I. This is the initial introduction to The High Republic era in the real life publishing timeline. The era kicks off with the Great Hyperspace Disaster in 282 BBY. Phase I of the High Republic last two years in-universe and is concluded with the fall of Starlight Beacon.
229 BBY – The Beginning of Phase III of the High Republic
Phase III of the High Republic starts after a one-year time jump after Phase I. So three years after the start of Phase I where we find the galaxy fractured by the Nihil’s Stormwall. Splitting the galaxy in two; The Republic and the Nihil Occlusion Zone.
UPDATED: See every comic, book, and variant from Phase III of the High Republic here.
132 BBY – The Approx Time When Star Wars: The Acolyte Takes Place
There has been some confusion on this. Most publications list The Acolyte as starting 100 years BEFORE the events of Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace. But I have seen people saying that it’s 50 years before The Phantom Menace. Lesly Headland confirmed, today, that it’s 100 years.
32 BBY – Star Wars: The High Republic – The Phantom Menace
32 years before Luke and friends blow up Krennic/Tarkin’s favorite planet destroying weapon, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon head off to investigate a trade dispute between Naboo and The Trade Federation. A conflict that triggered a series of events that led to The Clone Wars, Order 66, and the fall/rise of Anakin Skywalker.
Speaking of the Phantom Menace, A few weeks back Disney announced that they would be doing a limited re-release of Episode I in Theaters. Today it was announced that there will be a sneak peak / early look at the Acolyte shown in theaters to guests who attend those screenings.
You can see the language they used here on the AMC website.
I am seriously excited about seeing that movie in theaters again. I was 10 when it came out the first time. I still remember spending hours calling the movie hotline to get tickets for opening weekend. Now my kids are old enough to go see it with me.
This is the first time they’ve been old enough to go see a Star Wars movie in the theaters and I’m just stoked to experience it with them.
For light and life!
Grand Admiral Frik