The time is finally upon us! Next week, Phase II of Star Wars The High Republic kicks off in comic books with High Republic #1!
And you know what? We’ve got a sneak peek!
This comic is going to be a pretty massive key comic issue in the High Republic canon, on the same level or bigger than Phase I High Republic 1!
We’ve got over a dozen first appearances and cameos in this issue and I think probably 3-4 are going to be major fan-favorite characters. Check out the spoilers below!
Of course, if you don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read ahead!
Also don’t forget to check out the Drunk Wooky Star Wars The High Republic phase II checklist to see every book , comic, and variant for the entirety of the phase.

Ok, so we star with Jedi Vildar Mac arriving for a new assignment on Jedha. We’ve seen this stuff so far from the preview available a few weeks ago.
Preview Pages:
Vildar is having a nightmare while on his flight. The Kiffar man is flashing back to his childhood on his homeworld and the horrors of what appears to be a Sorcerer of Tund terrorizing his people!
The Sorcerers of Tund have a long Expanded Universe and Legends history going back to 1983 in the Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu novel where they made their first appearance. Their stories continued on in Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon and Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka. From their they made role-playing game appearances and appearances in novels as recently as Darth Plagueis.
More recently, in canon, they were mentioned in Dooku: Jedi Lost and this week’s The High Republic: Path of Deceit. They’ve never appeared in a comic before, though!
Upon landing, Vildar meets up with his new Padawan, Matthea Cathley. She tells him they won’t be headed to the Convocation as planned, but to check out a theft of a Force Artifact. Anybody who has read Path of Deceit by now will know what that’s about…
New Pages!
They pass an exhibitor at a booth, Ran Yaltan. She claims to be a Truthsayer of Bpfassh. However, a “real” Truthsayer of Bpfassh” shows up offended and a disagreement in the market ensues. A mischeivous purple gentleman appears. This is Tey Sirrek! Mike Mayhew has an exclusive cover which is Tey’s first cover appearance available over here.
But Vildar spots an ominous red robe in the crowd! Given his past, he reacts defensively. It’s Adept Tarna Miak, a Sorcerer of Tund! That’s right, it’s confirmed! The Sorcerers of Tund have made their first comic appearance!
Now, I don’t want to give you the entire story, so I’ll leave it there. But, there is a second back-up story in this issue! And this back-up issue actually has more first appearances and cameo than the main story!
The back-up story opens on Oliviah Zeveron meditating in front of one of the massive Jedi statues on Jedha. Of course, we know these statues from Rogue One:
Apparently, even hundreds of years before Rogue One, three of these statues were already fallen and one remained. At any rate, Oliviah works with the Convocation. The Convocation is an inter-faith type of organization on Jedha. Multiple different faiths revolving around beliefs in the Force convene for supposedly the greater good. Given different interpretations of the Force, you could see how this would get controversial quick.
Oliviah is soon called away from her mediation by Master Teebon. She needs to mediate an argument. A member of one faith group, the Yacombe, is applying for Convocation membership. Some members oppose that. We’re treated to the first appearance of Representative Elris, a Guardian of the Whills, Representative Kilan, leader of the Convocation, Representative Sirene, a Fallanassi, Representative Waran, a Kel Dor like Plo Koon, and a Representative of the Lonto.
Given the adversarial nature of the Yacombe’s visit, the envoy retracts their application for membership. Another applicant soon shows up, though! Radicaz “Sunshine” Dobbs! Anybody who has read Path of Deceit will already be familiar with this Hyperspace prospector and dealer in artifacts! He comes on behalf of the Path of the Open Hand. I have a bad feeling about this.
That’s it for now! Pick up High Republic 1 next week! The FOMO is real on this one!
Star Wars The High Republic #1 | Phase 2
(W) Cavan Scott (A) Ario Anindito (CA) Ario Anindito
- One hundred and fifty years before the fall of Starlight, another beacon burns bright in the galaxy, a beacon of faith and spirituality. Jedha. The Pilgrim Moon. The Kyber Heart. But tensions are rising in the holy city and dark days are to come.
- Jedi Vildar Mac, a Jedi safe and secure in who he is and what he could be, arrives as Jedha’s fragile peace begins to crumble. But a nightmare awaits…a nameless terror that will become the stuff of legend.
In Shops: October 12th, 2022
- Anindito Cover A
- Noto Variant
- McKone Variant
- Duursema 1:50 Variant
- Panosian Exclusive (TFAW) (Pre-orders start 9/9)
- Peach Momoko Exclusive
- Tyler Kirkham Exclusive
- David Lopez Exclusive (Pre-Sale Starts 9/13)
- Luke Ross Exclusive
- This exclusive will be exclusively sold by macdaddymoose on WhatNot
- Link to their stream
- WhatNot Affiliate Link (I get $10 if you join through this)
- Mike Mayhew Exclusive (Presale Starts 9/16 5pm EST)
More later!