Not a Prototype! Episode 1: Mezco One: 12 Collective Thor: Ragnarok Hulk

by DrunkWooky
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Hi! Welcome to OTC’s first blog post and what I hope will be a recurring column: Not a Prototype!Today, I’m tossing up some quick pics of the Mezco Toyz One:12 Collective Thor: Ragnarok Hulk. You can buy this beast of a figure Entertainment Earth! Click through to purchase!

One of Mezco’s pre-release glam shots.

We have all preordered figures and other collectibles from high-end (or, hey, even low-end) manufacturers. We wait and wait for months on end for this little beauty of tiny scale and expensive licensing to arrive. Then, finally, the day comes! The box is on your doorstep. You’ve been ogling the manufacturer glamour shots of the prototype for months on end. You crack the box and…

In this column, I’ll look at what the figures really look like in the consumer’s hands. These columns won’t so much be full on reviews because there are other much more capable and informed than I to write those. Some suggestions are : MWC Toys or The Fwoosh. I’ll toss up some pictures of product actually in-hand, in normal household lighting, and let the viewer decide. I may point out some things I notice that irk, maybe some things that are awesome. 

Entertainment Earth

One thing I did notice about this figure: His armor is a lot more blue than the glamour shots! I don’t think that’s a bad thing. It was definitely different than expectations that were set.  

Entertainment Earth

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