DrunkWooky takes a look back at Sin-Eater stories past and reads through Nick Spencer’s Sins Rising (2020) story line
Marvel Comic Reviews
- Star Wars Comics and Books
DrunkWooky Retro Comic Review: Spectacular Spider-Man Death of Jean DeWolff (Spectacular Spider-Man 107-110) (Peter David, Rich Buckler, 1985)
by DrunkWookyDrunkWooky reviews the classic Death of Jean DeWolff story line from 1985!
- Star Wars Comics and Books
DrunkWooky Comic Review: Strange Academy #2 (2020, Young, Ramos)
by DrunkWookyIf issue #1 was about introducing the cast of characters, issue #2 is all about introducing the school itself. As I said, Young has a lot of characters to juggle. …
- Star Wars Comics and Books
DrunkWooky Comic Review: Empyre #0: Avengers (2020, Ewing, Larraz)
by DrunkWookyEmpyre #0: Avengers is a set up issue in a similar vein to other recent #0 issues from recent events. Seeing as this set up probably needed to be done …