Next Comic Art represent Star Wars High Republic Adventures penciller, Harvey Talibao for the sale of his original art. For Star Wars Day, this May the Fourth, they uploaded a bunch of pages from issues 2, 3, and 5 on their gallery! This is spendy stuff, per usual in the original art market. But, what’s interesting is perusing the pages and spotting differences between the published work.
One of the offerings is High Republic Adventures 5 page 20 offered up for a whopping $4,000! This page from High Republic Adventures 5 is the first published reveal of High Republic baddie, Marchion Ro’s face:
What’s interesting, however, is that there is another page from issue #3 where Marchion Ro reveals his face. Page 17:
Of course, Marchion didn’t actually reveal his face in the published work, so this is bound to go down in history as an esoteric piece of production trivia for this comic issue. At some point, the decision was made to delay Marchion Ro’s face reveal to issue 5. Curious stuff.
Pages 19 and 20 share similar differences between the original art and final printed pages: